There’s a new article every day talking about how AI will eliminate jobs. The urge to write click baity content is too irresistible. Who wouldn’t want to know if their job was on the chopping block and come up with some sort of strategy? I’d give that a click just to see and I have. Guilty as charged.
Given the amount of time you see people staring at their phones instead of interacting with each other, it feels like knowing how to work with AI will be an important piece to add to your talent stack moving forward.
Like every other advancement in technology. The differences in the way people are viewing the same unfolding of this story come down to mindset.
If you have a growth mindset, you’re seeing the limitless possibilities we’ll have to create new ways of doing nearly everything. You’re seeing a new reality created right in front of you in real time.
If you’re in a scarcity mindset right now, you’re seeing all the ways AI will take your job. Viewing AI advancement as a loss for humans, leading to a diminished quality of life. You’re seeing a new ethic-less captor creating a prison right in front of you with no escape.
Think about how you’re viewing this moment.
What will be more useful for you?
If you’re in scarcity on this, what else are you operating in scarcity on?
Noticing where you are mentally is the first step to turning it around.
I didn’t realize how important this was until I hired a coach for my business to help scale. I was operating mentally in scarcity mode, not understanding why I wasn’t getting to where I wanted to go. I had been a doer, a get shit done person, the lone wolf, with a confirmation bias that managers were useless. Imagine why I couldn’t get to the next level. Typing this now, it makes the whole situation laughable.
Here’s what helped me, maybe it will help you too.
Notice and catch the loops of thought running through your mind.
Write out those negative thoughts that come up. Label them “old limiting beliefs.” Then write “new decisions” and evidence (can be from your life or other examples)
Use this:
Break down the old limiting beliefs to the style of an angry young child communicating.
“AI will take my job.”
New decision:
“AI handles the machine part of my job.”
Get hands on experience experimenting yourself & check out these people on Twitter:
Sairam Sundaresan @DSaience - Wrote the book “AI for the Rest of Us”
Rob Lennon @thatroblennon- The AI Whisperer doesn’t disappoint
Zain Kahn @heykahn- Writes about everything AI for your career & productivity
I’m learning too and will share what I find with you along the way.
At the American Museum of Natural History, a new addition was added to the hall of gems and minerals.
Check it out.

You can see how the UV wavelengths & light impact how you see a rock.
Same rock, different view.
Now extend this thought to any given topic.
Your mindset is like the light is the filter you use to view the rock.
Mindset is a filter too.
Think about it.
If the way you’re viewing something isn’t useful, how would it look it a different light?
Chi Running has 8 phases:
Vision, Goals, & Planning
Taper Time
Race Weekend
When running two races close together, instead of jumping right back into Conditioning with speed runs, you ease into it with the technique phase.
The technique phase has form focuses to master including: Posture, Lean, Lower Body, Upper Body, Pelvic Rotation, Gears, Cadence, and Stride Length
The form focus I’m working on now is pelvic rotation.
In regular running, your legs swing at the hip joint and your pelvis stays locked. This limits your range of movement and increases the shock your lower body takes on from pounding the pavement. If you’ve ever had knee pain, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, or IT band issues, this could be a contributing factor.
Brutal for long distances. It would be like trying to drive a car with an emergency brake on.
In Chi Running, your pelvis swings back with your legs instead of staying locked. The trick is you have to relax enough for it to happen. Allowing it to happen, surrendering to the road, without trying to do twist your hips consciously.
“To allow your pelvis to rotate, release your hip when you feel your foot strike the ground and let it be pulled rearward by your leg.” I think of my hips and legs as a hanger with a pair of pants.
I’m focusing on this one form because getting it just right or improving it will result in better speed and energy efficiency. It will add inches to each stride without extra work. Running smarter, not harder.
To get this just right, imagine your legs swinging from one point on your lower spine instead of from your hips.
It looks like this:
There are also two other points to keep in mind.
Keep your pelvis level instead of wagging your tail like a dog.
Allow the road to swing your foot and leg back.
Let gravity do its thing instead of creating more friction for yourself.
Remove any friction to get to where you want to go, personally & professionally.
Start by looking at the way you’re viewing things.
Let’s keep moving,
PS- I missed you all last week. Had a family health issue pop up that is resolved now.
Quote from Chi Marathon by Danny Dreyer & Katherine Dreyer
Thanks a ton for the shout-out, Jen. I definitely think there's room for all of us. Like you say, we need to foster the growth mindset ☺️
Glad to see you back, Jen.
So, following that coaching lesson, what have you changed to allow your business to scale?
And those different views of the same rock under different wavelengths - such a powerful metaphor.