There’s a perception of what is possible to find and the reality of what is possible to find.
I’m reminded of this when a support role came in working with vendor products.
It’s not the most glamorous job. You get called at all hours. If the system goes down multiple people are yelling because millions of dollars can be lost in a flash.
This is one of the jobs I noticed during covid that people pivoted away from first.
They were getting flooded with breaks, calls, and general discontent.
That can start to eat at you as a person.
When you feel overworked, it wears you down. Then you stop showing up for people in your life.
Easier to snap. Easier to stay home instead of engage. Low energy.
When you’re in the place you need to be at the right time, you vibrate differently.
You show up.
The work is the same but it feels purposeful.
What do you think of when you hear Face Gym?
Weights hanging from your chin as you open and close your mouth?
When I first saw the text come in with a note from my sister in law, I clicked on it immediately.
What was that?
I had no idea what to expect going into it.
The website mentioned facial massage and electric muscle stimulation.
Quite the combination.
The idea being a more natural way to relax your facial muscles rather than through more invasive cosmetic procedures like botox.
I’m not a fan of needles so this felt accessible.
The space is set up like a gym complete with motivational words hung on the wall.
The lady explained what she was doing and then used her hands, a mini metal blade similar to one you’d find in physical therapy massage, and an electric tool.
I didn’t realize how many muscles in the face are attached to each other until the electric tool came out and my eye started involuntarily moving.
I didn’t realize how much stress I was holding in my face until it all just relaxed for a bit.
The feeling when you’re done is amazing. I had an instant unexplained energy boost.
I’ll be going back again and this time getting a different treatment to infuse vitamins into my skin along with the massage.
Check it out here:
Last long run for the Tokyo marathon.
10 miles.
The next long run will be 26.2 miles for race day.
This is the time to be grateful. To reflect on the work to get here and the “why” for the run.
Each step leading up to this.
To relate this to work, it’s like testing the final pieces before the big release.
You know it’s coming.
You’ve planned for it.
Now there’s nothing left but to execute.
This idea of running in Tokyo is turning into a reality.
That’s the power of engineering.
Turning ideas into results.
Testing what is possible in reality.
Thanks to each and every one of you for reading along and supporting this journey.
It’s a treat to see your comments.
Will send a few snaps from Tokyo.
Let’s keep moving,
> The work is the same but it feels purposeful.
It's interesting to think about. I feel like we're often sold on this idea of finding the perfect "work." But even in my experience, it's almost never about the work, itself. Personally, the people I work with have a lot of impact on how I feel at work. Same work, but different vibes with different people.
Face Gym sounds amazing. Now that I know I won't have to hang weights from my chin, I might give it a try!
And all the best with the Tokyo marathon, Jen. Have a good run... is that the right expression? 🤔 😅
“When you feel overworked, it wears you down. Then you stop showing up for people in your life.”
So true and not just for the seemingly “get-no-thanks” roles. Can even happen in a role you’re enjoying but you get overloaded.
And it’s got to be NYC for something like a “face gym”. 😂
Hope you got the time you were looking for on Sunday.